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snippet: 0.2m aerial photography captured across the Gisborne Region as part of the Post Cyclone Gabrielle assessment. The Post Cyclone Gabrielle area in the Gisborne and Wairoa Districts totaled approximately7,716.7 km2. This area was captured within the 2022/23 flying season (September 2022 – April 2023) The remaining Gisborne Region Area was captured in the 2023/24 flying season (September 2023 - April 2024).
summary: 0.2m aerial photography captured across the Gisborne Region as part of the Post Cyclone Gabrielle assessment. The Post Cyclone Gabrielle area in the Gisborne and Wairoa Districts totaled approximately7,716.7 km2. This area was captured within the 2022/23 flying season (September 2022 – April 2023) The remaining Gisborne Region Area was captured in the 2023/24 flying season (September 2023 - April 2024).
extent: [[177.046754726618,-39.0243280891467],[178.649051680011,-37.4751660940688]]
thumbnail: thumbnail/{71FCBE06-864D-4CE4-A698-D85C7B6F7FBB}.png
typeKeywords: ["Data","Service","Map Service","ArcGIS Server"]
title: Aerials_gisborne_rural_2023_2024
type: Map Service
url: http://gdc-gisext.beeble.gdc:6080/arcgis/services/rest/Imagery/Aerials_gisborne_rural_2023_2024/MapServer
tags: ["Aerial","Ortho","Imagery"]
culture: en-NZ
name: Aerials_gisborne_rural_2023_2024
guid: 9EDE69F3-AD5B-4D39-835C-854452E2856B
spatialReference: NZGD_2000_New_Zealand_Transverse_Mercator