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Map Service: NES Plantation Forestry (ID: 84)

Service Loaded:  Sep, 2 2024 04:20:44 PM NZST (UTC-+12:00)

Connection String:  url=

Short Display Name:  N/A

Description:  When uploading the layers into your own GIS system, please ensure all three Fish Spawning Indicator layers are uploaded (NZFFD, Non-Migratory and modelled probability) along with the current ESC version layer. This tool was developed for use in the context of the National Environmental Standards for Plantation Forestry (NES-PF). The tool supports councils and foresters in decisions on the level of risk associated with the NES-PF. Its successful application elsewhere cannot be guaranteed.

Copyright:  MPI

Visible:  True

Opacity:  1

Minimum Scale:  N/A

Maximum Scale:  N/A

Image Format:  N/A

Service Type:  Dynamic

Service Function:  Operational

Server Version:  10.9

Failure Action:  Warn

Failure Timeout (seconds):  N/A

Drawing Behavior:  MapService

Request Encoding:  N/A

Icon:   N/A

Include in Layer List:  True

Is Expanded:  True

Supports Dynamic Layers:  True

Default Allow Symbolization:  True

Supports Layer Catalog:  False

Update Interval (seconds):  N/A

Disable Client Caching:  N/A

Identifiable:   N/A

Time Zone ID:   N/A

Data Provider:   Default



Theme Settings:

    Coordinate System:  NZGD_2000_New_Zealand_Transverse_Mercator (WKID: 2193)

    Operational Coordinate System:  N/A

    Layer Hyperlinks:

    Instant Search: False

    Supported Interfaces:  REST