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Layer: QEII Covenants (ID: 0)

Default Visibility:   True

Configured Visibility:   True

Minimum Scale:   0

Maximum Scale:   0

Extent:   1979124.0024, 5688349.8946, 2065672.1438, 5790010.9187

Display Name:   QEII Covenants

Description:   <DIV STYLE="text-align:Left;"><DIV><DIV><P><SPAN>Queen Elizabeth II National Trust</SPAN><SPAN> </SPAN><SPAN>(Ng</SPAN><SPAN><SPAN>ā Kairauhī</SPAN></SPAN><SPAN> </SPAN><SPAN>Papa)</SPAN><SPAN> </SPAN><SPAN>is an independent statutory organisation and a registered charity. It was set up in 1977 to 'encourage and promote, for the benefit of New Zealand, the provision, protection, preservation and enhancement of open space'.</SPAN><SPAN /><SPAN>Open Space (as described in the Queen Elizabeth II National Trust Act 1977) means any area of land or body of water that serves to preserve or to facilitate the preservation of any landscape of aesthetic, cultural, recreational, scenic, scientific or social interest or value.</SPAN><SPAN> </SPAN><SPAN>QEII National Trust's core objective is to secure long-term protection of natural and cultural features on private land with covenants. The Trust acts </SPAN><SPAN /><SPAN>as the perpetual trustee to ensure the covenant remains protected forever.</SPAN><SPAN> </SPAN><SPAN>This dataset shows the extent of digitised registered and formalised QEII National Trust Covenants </SPAN><SPAN>through</SPAN><SPAN>out New Zealand </SPAN><SPAN /><SPAN>as at </SPAN><SPAN>6 July </SPAN><SPAN>2</SPAN><SPAN /><SPAN>02</SPAN><SPAN>2</SPAN><SPAN> </SPAN><SPAN>(</SPAN><SPAN>5,001 </SPAN><SPAN>registered and formalised covenants with polygons). The quality of the data has been assessed by comparing the registered area of each covenant (in hectares) with the geometric area as calculated in the GIS. Currently 9</SPAN><SPAN>6.</SPAN><SPAN>5</SPAN><SPAN>% of the polygons are within +/- 10% of the registered area (QualCode = 1). The remaining 3.</SPAN><SPAN>5</SPAN><SPAN>% have to be verified and either require re-digitising or some further amendment. We are working our way through these to improve the quality. </SPAN><SPAN>4</SPAN><SPAN>8</SPAN><SPAN>2</SPAN><SPAN> </SPAN><SPAN>polygons have not yet been verified against a survey plan or photodiagram. Please note that the quality code described above is no reflection of the positional accuracy. </SPAN><SPAN /><SPAN>Each year, approximately </SPAN><SPAN>11</SPAN><SPAN>0 new covenants are approved by the QEII Board, but each may take, on average, two years to complete the process to registration. In addition, there are a number of changes to existing covenants as a result of sub-divisions, changes of ownership, variations and so on.</SPAN></P></DIV></DIV></DIV>

Feature Type:   Polygon

Type:   FeatureLayer

Display Field:   TA_Name

Primary Key Field:   OBJECTID_1

Show Map Tips:   False

Searchable:   False

Identifiable:   True

Queryable:   True

Can Copy Feature:   True

Snappable:   True

Snapping Enabled:   False

Has Attachments:   False

Feature Label:   {TA_Name}

Feature Description:   N/A

Feature Long Description:   N/A

Feature Zoom Factor:   N/A

Feature Zoom Scale:   N/A

Feature Border Color:   N/A

Feature Border Width:   N/A

Feature Fill Color:   N/A

Icon:   N/A

Include in Layer List:   True

Include in Legend:   True

Can Toggle Labels:   False

Allow Symbolization:   True

Draw Index:   N/A

Legend URL:   N/A

Style Name:   N/A

Data Provider:   Default

Time Zone ID:   N/A

  • OBJECTID_1 (Type: Int32, Visible: True, Searchable: True, Can Symbolize Unique Value: True, Can Symbolize Class Breaks: True, Addressable: True)
  • Shape (Type: Object, Visible: True, Searchable: True, Can Symbolize Unique Value: True, Can Symbolize Class Breaks: True, Addressable: True)
  • OBJECTID (Type: Int32, Visible: True, Searchable: True, Can Symbolize Unique Value: True, Can Symbolize Class Breaks: True, Addressable: True)
  • CovNumber (Type: String, Visible: True, Searchable: True, Can Symbolize Unique Value: True, Can Symbolize Class Breaks: True, Addressable: True)
  • NumBlocks (Type: Int32, Visible: True, Searchable: True, Can Symbolize Unique Value: True, Can Symbolize Class Breaks: True, Addressable: True)
  • CreatedBy (Type: String, Visible: True, Searchable: True, Can Symbolize Unique Value: True, Can Symbolize Class Breaks: True, Addressable: True)
  • Comment (Type: String, Visible: True, Searchable: True, Can Symbolize Unique Value: True, Can Symbolize Class Breaks: True, Addressable: True)
  • PrevCovNum (Type: String, Visible: True, Searchable: True, Can Symbolize Unique Value: True, Can Symbolize Class Breaks: True, Addressable: True)
  • LastUpdate (Type: DateTime, Visible: True, Searchable: True, Can Symbolize Unique Value: True, Can Symbolize Class Breaks: True, Addressable: True)
  • QualCode (Type: Int32, Visible: True, Searchable: True, Can Symbolize Unique Value: True, Can Symbolize Class Breaks: True, Addressable: True)
  • GeomArea (Type: Double, Visible: True, Searchable: True, Can Symbolize Unique Value: True, Can Symbolize Class Breaks: True, Addressable: True)
  • Type (Type: String, Visible: True, Searchable: True, Can Symbolize Unique Value: True, Can Symbolize Class Breaks: True, Addressable: True)
  • DateAppr (Type: DateTime, Visible: True, Searchable: True, Can Symbolize Unique Value: True, Can Symbolize Class Breaks: True, Addressable: True)
  • DateRegd (Type: DateTime, Visible: True, Searchable: True, Can Symbolize Unique Value: True, Can Symbolize Class Breaks: True, Addressable: True)
  • AreaSurvHa (Type: Double, Visible: True, Searchable: True, Can Symbolize Unique Value: True, Can Symbolize Class Breaks: True, Addressable: True)
  • Mapref (Type: String, Visible: True, Searchable: True, Can Symbolize Unique Value: True, Can Symbolize Class Breaks: True, Addressable: True)
  • Easting (Type: Int32, Visible: True, Searchable: True, Can Symbolize Unique Value: True, Can Symbolize Class Breaks: True, Addressable: True)
  • Northing (Type: Int32, Visible: True, Searchable: True, Can Symbolize Unique Value: True, Can Symbolize Class Breaks: True, Addressable: True)
  • WholeTitle (Type: String, Visible: True, Searchable: True, Can Symbolize Unique Value: True, Can Symbolize Class Breaks: True, Addressable: True)
  • QEIIRegion (Type: String, Visible: True, Searchable: True, Can Symbolize Unique Value: True, Can Symbolize Class Breaks: True, Addressable: True)
  • TA_Name (Type: String, Visible: True, Searchable: True, Can Symbolize Unique Value: True, Can Symbolize Class Breaks: True, Addressable: True)
  • RegC_Name (Type: String, Visible: True, Searchable: True, Can Symbolize Unique Value: True, Can Symbolize Class Breaks: True, Addressable: True)
  • Shape_Leng (Type: Double, Visible: True, Searchable: True, Can Symbolize Unique Value: True, Can Symbolize Class Breaks: True, Addressable: True)
  • Shape_Length (Type: Double, Visible: True, Searchable: True, Can Symbolize Unique Value: True, Can Symbolize Class Breaks: True, Addressable: True)
  • Shape_Area (Type: Double, Visible: True, Searchable: True, Can Symbolize Unique Value: True, Can Symbolize Class Breaks: True, Addressable: True)

Layer Hyperlinks:

Show Feature Hyperlinks:   Show

Feature Hyperlinks:

Is Dynamic:   False

Dynamic Definition:



    Theme Settings:
    • FOSAL Areas (0, visibility: True)
    • General (1, visibility: True)


    Supported Interfaces:  REST