Short Display Name:Provisional Wetlands 2022 (Morphum)
Description:Under the National Policy Statement for Freshwater Management 2020 all regional councils are required to map Natural Inland Wetlands in their region. Gisborne District Council engaged Morphum Environmental Ltd to undertake a desktop-based mapping assessment of Tairāwhiti wetlands. This assessment, undertaken between 2021 and 2022, is Council’s first step toward satisfying NPS-FM wetland requirements, which include the creation of a geospatial inventory of all Natural Inland Wetlands in Tairāwhiti. The Morphum Layer used Aerial imagery and LiDAR elevation data, as well as existing wetland geometry databases and other geospatial data were used to determine indicative wetland sites. As this is a provisional assessment, not all of these sites will be wetlands under the NPS-FM. The next step is to determine which sites meet that definition.