You can export the map as an image file in a variety of image formats, including PNG, BMP, JPEG, and TIFF. When you export a map, any markup or measurements that you have added are flattened onto the image and exported too.
You can include georeference data when you export a map image in one of these formats. The map image and georeference data are exported in a zip file that contains three files: the image file in the format you selected, a projection (PRJ) file, and a world (WKT) file. You can download and use these files in other GIS applications like ArcMap. When you open the map image in a GIS application, the georeference data is used to position your exported map image in the correct location on the existing map.
The Silverlight Viewer also supports the GeoTIFF format, which has the image and georeference data in a single file.
To export a map image:
In the Toolbar, click Export Map.
Right-click on the map image and from the context menu, select Export a Map Image.
The Export a Map Image dialog box opens.
Export a Map Image dialog box
From the Select Image Format drop-down list, select the image format you want to use.
Select Include Georeference Data if you want to position the map image on a map when imported to other GIS applications.
You do not need to use the Include Georeference Data check box when you are exporting the map image in GeoTIFF format—GeoTIFF files always include the georeference data.
Click Create Image.
If you selected Include Georeference Data, the following confirmation message displays:
If you did not select the Include Georeference Data, the following confirmation message displays:
Click Download or View Image.
See also...