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Layers published to federated servers

To share data to ArcGIS Enterprise, publish feature classes and tables from database data store items in your portal or publish a map or layers from ArcGIS Pro to one of your portal's federated servers. If your organizationl has a raster analysis or image hosting server, you can also create imagery layers from a folder or cloud data store you access from the portal website.

Once published, you can use the layers described in the next sections in the maps and apps you create.

What you can publish to federated ArcGIS Server sites from ArcGIS Pro

To publish layers from ArcGIS Pro that reference your source data, you must register the folder, database, or enterprise geodatabase that contains the data with the federated server. You can register the data source in ArcGIS Pro or add the data source as a data store item in the portal website. You can then publish to one of the federated servers with which you registered your data source.

What you can publish to a federated server from ArcGIS Pro depends on the type of data present in the map from which you publish.

If you publish vector data from a data store that is registered with your federated ArcGIS GIS Server site, you can publish a map image layer and layers associated with the map image layer as follows:

  • If you choose only the Map Image option, publishing creates a map service on the federated server and a map image layer item in your ArcGIS Enterprise organization.
  • If you choose both the Map Image and Feature options, publishing creates a map service with feature access capabilities enabled on the federated server and creates a map image layer item and feature layer item in your organization.
  • If you choose both the Map Image and WMS options, publishing creates a map service with the WMS capability enabled on the federated server and creates a map image layer item and a WMS item in your organization.

If you publish raster data from a data store that is registered with your federated ArcGIS Image Server site, you can publish an imagery layer and layers associated with the imagery layer as follows:

  • If you choose only the Imagery option, publishing creates an image service on the federated server and an imagery layer item on your portal.
  • If you choose both the Imagery and WMS options, publishing creates an image service on the federated server with the WMS capability enabled and creates an imagery layer and WMS layer items on your portal.
  • If you choose both the Imagery and WCS options, publishing creates an image service on the federated server with the WCS capability enabled. Only an imagery layer is created on the portal, though; there is no corresponding WCS item in the portal.

You have the option to cache your map image or imagery layers when publishing to one of your portal's federated servers.

If you publish a utility network from an enterprise geodatabase that is registered with your federated server, publish a map image layer and feature layer. Share the map image and feature layer with other organization members to provide them with access to the utility network. If you want to edit the feature layer, you must also enable the Version Management capability when you publish. When all these options are checked, publishing creates a map service with feature access, version management, utility network, and network diagram capabilities enabled on the federated server. Map image layer and feature layer items are created in the portal.

You can also publish a tool or locator to a federated server from ArcGIS Pro. See Share with ArcGIS Pro in the ArcGIS Pro help for details.


For more information on the relationship between services and ArcGIS Enterprise layers, see ArcGIS Server web services.

For instructions on publishing from ArcGIS Pro, see Share a web layer in the ArcGIS Pro help.

What you can publish from a data store item

When you add a data store item to your organization, it registers the data source with the federated servers you specify. When you publish content from this data store item in the portal website, you publish to one of those federated servers. See User-managed data stores in ArcGIS Enterprise for more information on what you can publish from each type of data store item.

Imagery layers that run on federated sites

If you have image data in a registered folder or cloud data store, you can create imagery layers from the Contents page in your ArcGIS Enterprise portal. When you publish from the data store, the image data stays in the source location. This saves time when publishing because the data does not have to be copied to a federated ArcGIS Image Server. It also saves on duplicating storage space for the same data. An imagery layer item is added to the portal and the underlying image service runs on the federated ArcGIS Image Server.

The option to create an imagery layer is available if the portal administrator configured a raster analysis or image hosting server for the portal.

Item and service dependencies

When you publish a map image or imagery layer and any of their dependent layers (feature or WMS), the map or image service is created in a folder you specify on the federated server, and it uses data in your registered data store. This is different than when you publish a feature layer, vector tile layer, tile layer, or scene layer from ArcGIS Pro. Publishing any of these results in a hosted web layer, the data is always copied from the data source, and the service is created in the Hosted folder on your hosting server. In the case of these hosted web layers, you can delete the items from your organization if you no longer need them, and this deletes the services and data from the hosting server.

If you no longer need a map image layer, imagery layer, WMS item, or feature layer, you can delete the item from your organization, and the associated services will also be deleted. Any items that were created as copies, however, will remain in the organization and will be disconnected from their associated services.

For more information on item and service dependencies, see Relationships between web services and portal items.