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The resulting feature class can be visualised by symbolising on the catchment area field using the break values shown below.DiscalimaerThis overland flow path layer provides a high-level understanding of routes where surface stormwater may flow during rainfall events. It is subject to the following limitations:The layer uses a surface generated by LiDAR only and does not account for the stormwater reticulation network or for any surface obstructions such as buildings or fences.The layer is subject to limitations in the LiDAR data. These include lower precision under dense foliage and lack of LiDAR data in some rural areas in the District.The layer is generated through a GIS algorithm which divides terrain into a grid of squares. Water is modelled to flow from each grid square to the lowest adjacent grid square. This method means that fine features such as kerbs may not be accurately represented.The layer does not include any assessment of depth, width, or rate, of flows.In some locations, change to landform since LiDAR was generated will have altered overland flow paths from those displayed on the layer.These limitations mean that overland flow paths represented on the layer should not be considered definitive and are subject to further investigation. Likewise, flow paths that exist in reality, may not be represented on this layer.A draft disclaimer for the depression storage layer is provided as follows for your consideration.The depression storage layer provides an indicative extent of where ponding may form during prolonged rainfall.It is subject to the following limitations:It is assumed that the depression storage areas shown would fill to capacity prior to spillingThe depression storage areas shown exceed the following minimum criteria regarding ponding area, storage volume and depth.Surface area > 100 m2 Maximum depth > 0.20 m Volume > 30 m3The layer uses a surface generated by LiDAR only and is subject to the limitations of LiDAR. 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100mmContours for the Gisborne Central, Waipaoa and Wainui areas. Contours derived from the LiDAR tiles for the Gisborne District captured between 2018 and 2020. All elevation values are in NZVD16

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  • Anaura

  • Hicks Bay

  • Makorori/Tatapouri

  • Muriwai

  • Te Araroa

  • Tokomaru Bay

  • Tolaga Bay

  • Tuparoa

  • Waiapu

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Rural Towns 100mm contours captured in 2016. Converted from Poverty Bay 1926 datum to NZVD 2016 datum.

.Contours captured for the following areas:

  • Anaura

  • Hicks Bay

  • Makorori/Tatapouri

  • Muriwai

  • Te Araroa

  • Tokomaru Bay

  • Tolaga Bay

  • Tuparoa

  • Waiapu

  • Waihau

  • Waipiro

  • Whangara

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Contour: {ElevationNZVD16}m
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Rural Towns 100mm contours captured in 2016. Converted from Poverty Bay 1926 datum to NZVD 2016 datum.

.Contours captured for the following areas:

  • Anaura

  • Hicks Bay

  • Makorori/Tatapouri

  • Muriwai

  • Te Araroa

  • Tokomaru Bay

  • Tolaga Bay

  • Tuparoa

  • Waiapu

  • Waihau

  • Waipiro

  • Whangara

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These contours have been converted from Poverty Bay to NZVD16
Contour: {ElevationNZVD16}m
Town Name: {TownName}
", "featureLongDescription": "
These contours have been converted from Poverty Bay to NZVD16
Contour: {ElevationNZVD16}m
Town Name: {TownName}
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Rural Towns 100mm contours captured in 2016. Converted from Poverty Bay 1926 datum to NZVD 2016 datum.

.Contours captured for the following areas:

  • Anaura

  • Hicks Bay

  • Makorori/Tatapouri

  • Muriwai

  • Te Araroa

  • Tokomaru Bay

  • Tolaga Bay

  • Tuparoa

  • Waiapu

  • Waihau

  • Waipiro

  • Whangara

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These contours have been converted from Poverty Bay to NZVD16
Contour: {ElevationNZVD16}m
Town Name: {TownName}
", "featureLongDescription": "
These contours have been converted from Poverty Bay to NZVD16
Contour: {ElevationNZVD16}m
Town Name: {TownName}
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Rural Towns 100mm contours captured in 2016. Converted from Poverty Bay 1926 datum to NZVD 2016 datum.

.Contours captured for the following areas:

  • Anaura

  • Hicks Bay

  • Makorori/Tatapouri

  • Muriwai

  • Te Araroa

  • Tokomaru Bay

  • Tolaga Bay

  • Tuparoa

  • Waiapu

  • Waihau

  • Waipiro

  • Whangara

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These contours have been converted from Poverty Bay to NZVD16
Contour: {ElevationNZVD16}m
Town Name: {TownName}
", "featureLongDescription": "
These contours have been converted from Poverty Bay to NZVD16
Contour: {ElevationNZVD16}m
Town Name: {TownName}
", "displayField": "TownName", "primaryKeyField": "OBJECTID", "fullExtent": { "xmin": 2068474.5845999997, "ymin": 5818322.4603, "xmax": 2082776.3268999998, "ymax": 5825340.5537, "spatialReference": { "wkid": 2193 } }, "parentLayerId": null, "subLayerIds": [], "hasReports": false, "hasDataLinks": false, "fields": [ { "name": "OBJECTID", "visible": false, "dataType": "Int32", "displayName": "OBJECTID", "alias": "OBJECTID" }, { "name": "Shape", "visible": false, "dataType": "Object", "displayName": "Shape", "alias": "Shape" }, { "name": "ElevationOriginal", "visible": false, "dataType": "Double", "displayName": "ElevationOriginal", "alias": "ElevationOriginal" }, { "name": "ContourType", "visible": false, "dataType": "String", "displayName": "ContourType", "alias": "ContourType" }, { "name": "ElevationNZVD16", "visible": true, "dataType": "Double", "displayName": "Elevation (NZVD16)", "alias": "ElevationNZVD16" }, { "name": "TownName", "visible": true, "dataType": "String", "displayName": "Town Name", "alias": "TownName" }, { "name": "Shape_Length", "visible": false, "dataType": "Double", "displayName": "Shape_Length", "alias": "Shape_Length" } ], "featureHyperlinks": [], "layerHyperlinks": [], "isDynamic": false, "dynamicDefinition": null, "themeSettings": [ { "themeID": "2", "visible": false }, { "themeID": "1", "visible": false } ], "tileLevelLimits": [] }, { "id": "7", "name": "Tokomaru", "nativeID": "7", "displayName": "Tokomaru", "description": "

Rural Towns 100mm contours captured in 2016. Converted from Poverty Bay 1926 datum to NZVD 2016 datum.

.Contours captured for the following areas:

  • Anaura

  • Hicks Bay

  • Makorori/Tatapouri

  • Muriwai

  • Te Araroa

  • Tokomaru Bay

  • Tolaga Bay

  • Tuparoa

  • Waiapu

  • Waihau

  • Waipiro

  • Whangara

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These contours have been converted from Poverty Bay to NZVD16
Contour: {ElevationNZVD16}m
Town Name: {TownName}
", "featureLongDescription": "
These contours have been converted from Poverty Bay to NZVD16
Contour: {ElevationNZVD16}m
Town Name: {TownName}
", "displayField": "TownName", "primaryKeyField": "OBJECTID", "fullExtent": { "xmin": 2064904.7885999996, "ymin": 5764242.2646, "xmax": 2069481.4518, "ymax": 5769009.3766, "spatialReference": { "wkid": 2193 } }, "parentLayerId": null, "subLayerIds": [], "hasReports": false, "hasDataLinks": false, "fields": [ { "name": "OBJECTID", "visible": false, "dataType": "Int32", "displayName": "OBJECTID", "alias": "OBJECTID" }, { "name": "Shape", "visible": false, "dataType": "Object", "displayName": "Shape", "alias": "Shape" }, { "name": "ElevationOriginal", "visible": false, "dataType": "Double", "displayName": "ElevationOriginal", "alias": "ElevationOriginal" }, { "name": "ContourType", "visible": false, "dataType": "String", "displayName": "ContourType", "alias": "ContourType" }, { "name": "ElevationNZVD16", "visible": true, "dataType": "Double", "displayName": "Elevation (NZVD16)", "alias": "ElevationNZVD16" }, { "name": "TownName", "visible": true, "dataType": "String", "displayName": "Town Name", "alias": "TownName" }, { "name": "Shape_Length", "visible": false, "dataType": "Double", "displayName": "Shape_Length", "alias": "Shape_Length" } ], "featureHyperlinks": [], "layerHyperlinks": [], "isDynamic": false, "dynamicDefinition": null, "themeSettings": [ { "themeID": "2", "visible": false }, { "themeID": "1", "visible": false } ], "tileLevelLimits": [] }, { "id": "8", "name": "Tolaga", "nativeID": "8", "displayName": "Tolaga", "description": "

Rural Towns 100mm contours captured in 2016. Converted from Poverty Bay 1926 datum to NZVD 2016 datum.

.Contours captured for the following areas:

  • Anaura

  • Hicks Bay

  • Makorori/Tatapouri

  • Muriwai

  • Te Araroa

  • Tokomaru Bay

  • Tolaga Bay

  • Tuparoa

  • Waiapu

  • Waihau

  • Waipiro

  • Whangara

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These contours have been converted from Poverty Bay to NZVD16
Contour: {ElevationNZVD16}m
Town Name: {TownName}
", "featureLongDescription": "
These contours have been converted from Poverty Bay to NZVD16
Contour: {ElevationNZVD16}m
Town Name: {TownName}
", "displayField": "TownName", "primaryKeyField": "OBJECTID", "fullExtent": { "xmin": 2061648.6420999998, "ymin": 5735922.0127, "xmax": 2064806.2622999996, "ymax": 5740724.1103, "spatialReference": { "wkid": 2193 } }, "parentLayerId": null, "subLayerIds": [], "hasReports": false, "hasDataLinks": false, "fields": [ { "name": "OBJECTID", "visible": false, "dataType": "Int32", "displayName": "OBJECTID", "alias": "OBJECTID" }, { "name": "Shape", "visible": false, "dataType": "Object", "displayName": "Shape", "alias": "Shape" }, { "name": "ElevationOriginal", "visible": false, "dataType": "Double", "displayName": "ElevationOriginal", "alias": "ElevationOriginal" }, { "name": "ContourType", "visible": false, "dataType": "String", "displayName": "ContourType", "alias": "ContourType" }, { "name": "ElevationNZVD16", "visible": true, "dataType": "Double", "displayName": "Elevation (NZVD16)", "alias": "ElevationNZVD16" }, { "name": "TownName", "visible": true, "dataType": "String", "displayName": "Town Name", "alias": "TownName" }, { "name": "Shape_Length", "visible": false, "dataType": "Double", "displayName": "Shape_Length", "alias": "Shape_Length" } ], "featureHyperlinks": [], "layerHyperlinks": [], "isDynamic": false, "dynamicDefinition": null, "themeSettings": [ { "themeID": "2", "visible": false }, { "themeID": "1", "visible": false } ], "tileLevelLimits": [] }, { "id": "9", "name": "Tuparoa", "nativeID": "9", "displayName": "Tuparoa", "description": "

Rural Towns 100mm contours captured in 2016. Converted from Poverty Bay 1926 datum to NZVD 2016 datum.

.Contours captured for the following areas:

  • Anaura

  • Hicks Bay

  • Makorori/Tatapouri

  • Muriwai

  • Te Araroa

  • Tokomaru Bay

  • Tolaga Bay

  • Tuparoa

  • Waiapu

  • Waihau

  • Waipiro

  • Whangara

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These contours have been converted from Poverty Bay to NZVD16
Contour: {ElevationNZVD16}m
Town Name: {TownName}
", "featureLongDescription": "
These contours have been converted from Poverty Bay to NZVD16
Contour: {ElevationNZVD16}m
Town Name: {TownName}
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Rural Towns 100mm contours captured in 2016. Converted from Poverty Bay 1926 datum to NZVD 2016 datum.

.Contours captured for the following areas:

  • Anaura

  • Hicks Bay

  • Makorori/Tatapouri

  • Muriwai

  • Te Araroa

  • Tokomaru Bay

  • Tolaga Bay

  • Tuparoa

  • Waiapu

  • Waihau

  • Waipiro

  • Whangara

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These contours have been converted from Poverty Bay to NZVD16
Contour: {ElevationNZVD16}m
Town Name: {TownName}
", "featureLongDescription": "
These contours have been converted from Poverty Bay to NZVD16
Contour: {ElevationNZVD16}m
Town Name: {TownName}
", "displayField": "TownName", "primaryKeyField": "OBJECTID", "fullExtent": { "xmin": 2064470.5042000003, "ymin": 5791531.1296, "xmax": 2084392.7598, "ymax": 5807911.006, "spatialReference": { "wkid": 2193 } }, "parentLayerId": null, "subLayerIds": [], "hasReports": false, "hasDataLinks": false, "fields": [ { "name": "OBJECTID", "visible": false, "dataType": "Int32", "displayName": "OBJECTID", "alias": "OBJECTID" }, { "name": "Shape", "visible": false, "dataType": "Object", "displayName": "Shape", "alias": "Shape" }, { "name": "ElevationOriginal", "visible": false, "dataType": "Double", "displayName": "ElevationOriginal", "alias": "ElevationOriginal" }, { "name": "ContourType", "visible": false, "dataType": "String", "displayName": "ContourType", "alias": "ContourType" }, { "name": "ElevationNZVD16", "visible": true, "dataType": "Double", "displayName": "Elevation (NZVD16)", "alias": "ElevationNZVD16" }, { "name": "TownName", "visible": true, "dataType": "String", "displayName": "Town Name", "alias": "TownName" }, { "name": "Shape_Length", "visible": false, "dataType": "Double", "displayName": "Shape_Length", "alias": "Shape_Length" } ], "featureHyperlinks": [], "layerHyperlinks": [], "isDynamic": false, "dynamicDefinition": null, "themeSettings": [ { "themeID": "2", "visible": false }, { "themeID": "1", "visible": false } ], "tileLevelLimits": [] }, { "id": "11", "name": "Waihau", "nativeID": "11", "displayName": "Waihau", "description": "

Rural Towns 100mm contours captured in 2016. Converted from Poverty Bay 1926 datum to NZVD 2016 datum.

.Contours captured for the following areas:

  • Anaura

  • Hicks Bay

  • Makorori/Tatapouri

  • Muriwai

  • Te Araroa

  • Tokomaru Bay

  • Tolaga Bay

  • Tuparoa

  • Waiapu

  • Waihau

  • Waipiro

  • Whangara

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These contours have been converted from Poverty Bay to NZVD16
Contour: {ElevationNZVD16}m
Town Name: {TownName}
", "featureLongDescription": "
These contours have been converted from Poverty Bay to NZVD16
Contour: {ElevationNZVD16}m
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Rural Towns 100mm contours captured in 2016. Converted from Poverty Bay 1926 datum to NZVD 2016 datum.

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  • Anaura

  • Hicks Bay

  • Makorori/Tatapouri

  • Muriwai

  • Te Araroa

  • Tokomaru Bay

  • Tolaga Bay

  • Tuparoa

  • Waiapu

  • Waihau

  • Waipiro

  • Whangara

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Contour: {ElevationNZVD16}m
Town Name: {TownName}
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Contour: {ElevationNZVD16}m
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Rural Towns 100mm contours captured in 2016. Converted from Poverty Bay 1926 datum to NZVD 2016 datum.

.Contours captured for the following areas:

  • Anaura

  • Hicks Bay

  • Makorori/Tatapouri

  • Muriwai

  • Te Araroa

  • Tokomaru Bay

  • Tolaga Bay

  • Tuparoa

  • Waiapu

  • Waihau

  • Waipiro

  • Whangara

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Extent polygon for Rural Towns 100mm contours captured in 2016. Converted from Poverty Bay 1926 datum to NZVD 2016 datum.

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These data should be used in conjunction with the associated GNS Science report CR2022/119.

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These data should be used in conjunction with the associated GNS Science report CR2022/119.

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These data should be used in conjunction with the associated GNS Science report CR2022/119.

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