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Persons or organisations wishing to send email material to individuals or organisations whose email addresses appear in this directory must comply with the requirements of the Unsolicited Electronic Messages Act 2007. Publication of email addresses on this site should not be taken as deemed consent to receiving unsolicited email.Principal names are available for State and State Integrated Schools only. The most up to date information that we have available has been provided. Recent changes may not be reflected.Description of Variables VariablesDescriptionSchool NumberUnique number assigned to each institutionSchool NameFull name of each institution TelephoneTelephone number for each institution, including area codeFaxFacsimile number for each institution, including area codeEmailEmail address for appropriate administrative contact for institutionPrincipalCurrent principal at schoolStreetStreet for location addressSuburb Suburb for location addressCityTown or city for location addressPostal Address 1P O Box, Private Bag or rural delivery number for postal addressPostal Address 2Suburb for Postal AddressPostal Address 3Town or city for Postal AddressPostal CodePostcode used by NZ Post for Postal AddressSchool TypeType for each institutionDefinitionDefinition provides further descriptive information on the type of each institutionAuthorityDescribes the ownership/operation or registration status of each educational institutionGender of StudentsSchool gender i.e. Gender of students that schools cater forTerritorial Local AuthorityThe territorial authority area the school is located in. The territorial authority boundaries are defined by Statistics New Zealand.Regional CouncilThe regional council area the school is located in. Regional Council boundaries are defined by Statistics New Zealand.Census Area UnitThe census area unit area each school is located in. Census Area Unit boundaries are defined by Statistics New Zealand.WardThe Ward area the school is located in. Wards are subdivisions of territorial authorities.Ministry of Education Local OfficeMinistry of Education Local Office district each institution is located in General ElectorateGeneral electoral district for the area where an institution is located. Based on the electoral boundaries for the 2008 electionMāori ElectorateMāori electoral district for the area where an institution is located. Based on the māori electoral boundaries for the 2008 election.LongitudeLongitudinal co-ordinate where the institution is located.LatitudeLatitudinal co-ordinate where the institution is located.DecileA schools decile indicated the extent to which the school draws its students from the low socio-economic communities. Decile 1 schools are the 10% of schools with the highest proportion of students from the low socio-economic communities, whereas decile 10 schools are the 10% of schools with the lowest proportion of these students. A schools decile does not indicate the overall socio-economic mix of the school. School RollsThe most up-to-date roll data available. 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