{ "id": "147", "displayName": "Stormwater Models", "shortDisplayName": null, "description": "GDC Utility Stormwater Models and Surveys", "connectionString": "url=https://maps.gdc.govt.nz/arcgis/rest/services/GDC_Utilities/GDC_stormwater_models/MapServer", "copyright": "", "hasAttributionData": false, "serviceType": "Dynamic", "serviceFunction": "Operational", "baseMapGroup": null, "baseMapGroupIndex": "", "baseMapGroupIsMutuallyExclusive": false, "opacity": 1, "visible": true, "initiallyVisible": true, "drawingBehavior": "MapService", "iconUri": null, "includeInLayerList": true, "defaultAllowSymbolization": true, "isExpanded": true, "updateInterval": null, "dataProvider": null, "disableClientCaching": null, "serviceTag": "MKARLInq8zFux3BDU8JCceMu7+dTtXVjMgWc5meKPTc=", "identifiable": null, "includeMosaicDatasetValues": null, "includeCatalogItems": null, "startTime": null, "endTime": null, "serverVersion": "10.9", "failureAction": "Warn", "failureTimeout": null, "requestEncoding": null, "supportsDynamicLayers": true, "hasLayerCatalog": false, "format": null, "themeSettings": [ { "themeID": "2" }, { "themeID": "0" }, { "themeID": "1" } ], "layerHyperlinks": [], "tileInfo": {}, "instantSearch": false, "layers": [ { "id": "5", "name": "Rain on Grid", "nativeID": "5", "displayName": "Rain on Grid", "description": "", "defaultVisibility": true, "featureType": "None", "type": "GroupLayer", "maxScale": 0, "minScale": 0, "visible": true, "initiallyVisible": true, "showMapTips": false, "identifiable": false, "queryable": false, "searchable": false, "supportsIdentify": false, "supportsQuery": false, "canCopyFeature": false, "snappable": false, "snappingEnabled": false, "hasAttachments": false, "featureZoomFactor": null, "featureZoomScale": null, "featureBorderColor": null, "featureBorderWidth": null, "featureFillColor": null, "showFeatureHyperlinks": null, "iconUri": null, "includeInLayerList": true, "includeInLegend": false, "allowSymbolization": true, "legendUrl": null, "styleName": null, "drawIndex": null, "canToggleLabels": false, "showLabels": false, "dataProvider": null, "featureLabel": null, "featureDescription": null, "featureLongDescription": null, "isExpanded": false, "displayField": "", "primaryKeyField": "", "fullExtent": { "xmin": 2027313.3081, "ymin": 5702491.6623, "xmax": 2040972.2430999996, "ymax": 5719614.474, "spatialReference": { "wkid": 2193 } }, "parentLayerId": null, "subLayerIds": [ "6", "7", "8" ], "hasReports": false, "hasDataLinks": false, "fields": [], "featureHyperlinks": [], "layerHyperlinks": [], "isDynamic": false, "dynamicDefinition": null, "themeSettings": [ { "themeID": "1" } ], "tileLevelLimits": [] }, { "id": "6", "name": "Rain on Grid 2% AEP 2014", "nativeID": "6", "displayName": "Rain on Grid 2% AEP 2014", "description": "", "defaultVisibility": false, "featureType": "Polygon", "type": "FeatureLayer", "maxScale": 100, "minScale": 10000, "visible": false, "initiallyVisible": false, "showMapTips": false, "identifiable": true, "queryable": true, "searchable": false, "supportsIdentify": true, "supportsQuery": true, "canCopyFeature": true, "snappable": true, "snappingEnabled": false, "hasAttachments": false, "featureZoomFactor": null, "featureZoomScale": null, "featureBorderColor": null, "featureBorderWidth": null, "featureFillColor": null, "showFeatureHyperlinks": "ShowAll", "iconUri": "{RestVirtualDirectoryUrl}/Weather.png", "includeInLayerList": true, "includeInLegend": true, "allowSymbolization": true, "legendUrl": null, "styleName": null, "drawIndex": null, "canToggleLabels": false, "showLabels": true, "dataProvider": null, "featureLabel": "Rain on Grid 2% AEP 2014", "featureDescription": "Max Depth (m): {MaxDepth_0}

This is a layer predicting where water may cause ponding on a property, based on contours (the ‘lie of the land’), how much water may fall during a heavy rainfall event, and assumptions on private drainage. Ponding can be affected by many factors, e.g. fences on a property may divert flows, private stormwater sumps and pipes may drain areas, and soil conditions may allow for water to seep into the soil quicker or slower than expected. 

The data is also relevant to information available at a specific point in time, and things may have changed over time. 

Therefore, this layer needs to be viewed as a guide only, as site conditions could be different to the outputs of the ‘model’.

The presence of a feature does not necessarily guarantee that there is or is not an issue in that location. 

The modelled information is based on geospatial modelling, is for indicative purposes only, and must be viewed as a cautionary layer.

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This is a layer predicting where water may cause ponding on a property, based on contours (the ‘lie of the land’), how much water may fall during a heavy rainfall event, and assumptions on private drainage. Ponding can be affected by many factors, e.g. fences on a property may divert flows, private stormwater sumps and pipes may drain areas, and soil conditions may allow for water to seep into the soil quicker or slower than expected. 

The data is also relevant to information available at a specific point in time, and things may have changed over time. 

Therefore, this layer needs to be viewed as a guide only, as site conditions could be different to the outputs of the ‘model’.

The presence of a feature does not necessarily guarantee that there is or is not an issue in that location. 

The modelled information is based on geospatial modelling, is for indicative purposes only, and must be viewed as a cautionary layer.
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This is a layer predicting where water may cause ponding on a property, based on contours (the ‘lie of the land’), how much water may fall during a heavy rainfall event, and assumptions on private drainage. Ponding can be affected by many factors, e.g. fences on a property may divert flows, private stormwater sumps and pipes may drain areas, and soil conditions may allow for water to seep into the soil quicker or slower than expected. 

The data is also relevant to information available at a specific point in time, and things may have changed over time. 

Therefore, this layer needs to be viewed as a guide only, as site conditions could be different to the outputs of the ‘model’.

The presence of a feature does not necessarily guarantee that there is or is not an issue in that location. 

The modelled information is based on geospatial modelling, is for indicative purposes only, and must be viewed as a cautionary layer.
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